Week 2

Read 1 John 2:1-6. Why did jesus Come to Earth? 

What happened? | Why is it important? | What does it mean for my life? 

What are

MUTTER groups?

Starting the week of February 2nd, we will launch Mutter Groups.

Muttering is a practice inspired by Jewish tradition to deepen Biblical knowledge while making connections, as people gather weekly to “mutter” (chew on and deeply reflect on) a commonly misunderstood and complex passage of Scripture. 

This method mirrors how Jesus and His disciples grew in wisdom—meditating on a Scripture’s meaning and application throughout the week, then coming together in the synagogue to hear the Rabbi expand on it. It is one of the most powerful and transformative ways we can grow in our faith and help others do the same.

We have a ministry here for everyone.

Journey to Wholeness Groups

We are a Journey to Wholeness Church. You can take J2W in several different ways, the most popular option being the 12 week groups that meet throughout the year. To see what is upcoming, check out below.