Every dollar above the tithe makes you a Kingdom Builder!

questions about tithing?

Watch this video from Pastor Shawn to learn more about what tithing is.

  • Kingdom Builders is our ongoing effort to advance God's Kingdom through combined generosity and practical participation with in God's purposes. In this, we are focused on (1) supporting the local church and projects that impact our community, (2) sharing the life giving message of Jesus through global missions and (3) investing in future Christian leaders. Working together we are striving to fulfill God's plan to restore anyone and everything to Himself.

  • Anyone can be a Kingdom Builder!  At Life Church there are two wayswe combine our financial resources to advance the life-giving message of Jesus to the (920) & beyond:

    1: Faithful Tithing

    2: Contributing to Kingdom Builders. 

    Every Jesus person is called to tithe - first and foremost (Matt. 6:33). But we are also invited to be a Kingdom Builders. The tithe supports the work of our local church. Kingdom Builders helps us to work together with Jesus to (1) Support Global missions, (2) Impact our Local Communities, and (3) Invest in Future Leaders.

    Working together we will continue BRINGING THE LIFE-GIVING MESSAGE OF JESUS TO THE (920) & BEYOND! We hope everyone who calls LC home will tithe faithfully and then stretch in faith to become a Kingdom Builder. Every gift matters and every dollar above the tithe makes you a Kingdom Builder!

  • LOCAL:

    -Brown County Jail

    -Adult & Teen Challenge (NE Wisconsin)


    -EPH (Getting homeless families off the streets & into jobs & homes.)


    -Outreach Events

    -Retreat Scholarships

    GLOBAL (Missions):

    -Fire & Flood Rescue Funds

    -Exchange Collaborative

    -Israel Ministries

    -Inspire (Reaching Girls For Jesus)

    -Rise Church (Asheville, church planter)

    -Pacific Church (inner city church in Tacoma, Wa)


    -Syble Hopp School

    -Christian College Scholarship

    -Catalyst Student Missions Trip

    -Kids Camp (VBS)

    -Catalyst Camp

At Life Church each person who is willing practices Biblical tithing to support not only the local church but also beyond our walls. We recognize that giving 10% of our income is the Biblical standard of giving. “Offerings” are donations above the tithe. We then practice what we preach and give the first 10% to missions, save our next 10% and operate on the final 80%.

Gifts of Marketable Securities (Stocks – Mutual Funds)

Transferring a gift of long-term appreciated stocks, those owned for more than one year, can provide significant tax advantages by allowing you to deduct the fair market value while paying no capital gain tax.  Today, most stock transfers are easily made electronically from your broker account to the Life Church Green Bay, Inc. account. We highly recommend you seek the guidance of a professional financial planner/advisor, attorney or accountant to determine the arrangements that best serve your financial needs and philanthropic goals.

Please email sonny@lifechurchgb.com if you would like to mark a stock donation. Whether you are electronically transferring stock, mailing a stock certificate or giving a mutual fund gift, please notify us.  Knowledge of your gift allows us to track its progress, assign your gift correctly and provide you with an acknowledgement letter for your tax records.

Investor Relations

The Church has issued bonds to finance or refinance Church improvements. To facilitate compliance with securities regulations, certain Church issuer information is publicly available and incorporated herein by reference here. 

Life Church is governed by a board of directors comprised of 3 local members, 3 out of state Pastors, and 1 Seminary President.