LIfe church exists to bring the life-giving message of jesus to the (920) and beyond…

What’s happening at life church
Baptism Sunday
Baptism is for anyone who has started their Jesus Journey! This is a way for you to go public with your faith! Baptism will happen in the Auditorium during service, on March 30th!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to catch a great indoor football game with an awesome halftime performance. This is a can’t miss Kingdom Builders opportunity as $5 of every ticket goes to Kingdom Builders.
Women's Retreat
Join us for a stunning and memorable getaway at The Osthoff Resort on April 4 & 5th.
Muttering is a practice inspired by Jewish tradition to deepen Biblical knowledge while making connections, as people gather weekly to “mutter” (chew on and deeply reflect on) a commonly misunderstood and complex passage of Scripture.
This method mirrors how Jesus and His disciples grew in wisdom—meditating on a Scripture’s meaning and application throughout the week, then coming together in the synagogue to hear the Rabbi expand on it. It is one of the most powerful and transformative ways we can grow in our faith and help others do the same.
Discover More
Discover MORE is a class where you will meet with the same group of people to grow in your knowledge and connection to God. Pastor Dallas will guide you through how to easily read your Bible and understand Scriptures, how to disciple and pray for yourself and others, what the fruits of the Spirit are and more details about the Holy Spirit. You will feel more equipped to grow on your Jesus journey and to share it with others in a life-giving way.
Resurrection Weekend
Join us for a powerful Resurrection Weekend complete with a Good Friday Service, Saturday Easter Egg Hunt and two Resurrection Sunday Services.
Easter Egg Hunt
We are egg-cited to be hosting our 2nd annual community Easter Egg Hunt! This event is free and open to the public, so invite your friends, family and neighbors to come and be a part of this indoor egg-stravaganza!
Discover Us
This one simple class is for everyone to learn about Life Church and us to help get those interested on a track of individual growth. Held the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month during second service, Discover Us helps us connect with you and shows you how to plug in.
Get Involved At LC!
There’s nothing like growing in your Jesus Journey through serving!
The Orchard: Women's Ministry
Ready to be challenged and step into who God is calling you to be? Come to the Women’s Ministry at Life Church.
Young Adults
This is the place you’ve been looking for. We meet 2x per month. Join us at any point!

New here or choosing
to follow Jesus?
We want to connect.

See what we have for kids!
Learn about our full KIDS ministry with fun, age-appropriate teaching at Life Church!
We’re a church for anybody. Anyone can be a part of Life Church. Just come! We meet in person at 9am and 10:45am on Sundays in De Pere. If you aren’t local to Green Bay, you can watch online at 9:20am and 10:45am CST.
We have a full Kids ministry that runs every Sunday morning. Kids ages 6 weeks - 5th grade are welcome! They will get age appropriate and FUN teaching each week.
Starting at 6th grade through 12th grade, teens are invited to attend Catalyst, our youth ministry. Middle School and High School get to hang out with their own ages in smaller groups after the talk. Catalyst runs every Wednesday night at 6:30pm!
We are excited to meet your child! We value families and children who can use the assurance that we are sensitive to special needs and also their best experience each Sunday. Pastor Jessica, our kids pastor, would love to pre-plan how we can best assist you and create a plan that works for your child! She can be reached at:
We also host once monthly respite care nights for ages 8+. Learn more by visiting our All Stars page.
On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month during the 2nd service, we hold a class, Discover Us, where we share about all of our visions and values. At the end, you’ll have the chance to get involved and learn more about groups and teams you can be a part of LC! Start here.

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